For the love of HDR…

Train Bridge

Hello and welcome to my blog.  I love HDR photography.  I love the feeling of control it provides me with.  Photos now have the desired exposure range that I saw when looking through the view finder.  The goal of this blog is simple: to bring the joy and fun back to photography.

This image above was created by using 3 photos (under/over exposed and midrange) and combining them.  The math is daunting that is used but needless to say a whole new range of exposures are available.  I used HDR EFEX PRO because after the photo is tonemapped, I can focus in and using EFEX PRO’s and dodge and burn to my heart’s content, either very locally (which is the strength of EFEX) or globally.

The downfall of this process is the technical requirements may be steep (unlike NIK’s other plugins) this is only available to users of CS4 or CS5.  The second issue, there is some time that needs to be put in to achieve the look you want.

Happy HDR shooting.